Tuesday, December 13, 2011


When the Brazilian people say "Bye" to each other, they say "Tchau" (sounds like chow).  Saying "good-bye" to Elder Smidt was full of mixed emotions.  We all knew this day was coming, as Jess has wanted to serve a mission his whole life, but saying good-bye to someone you love so dearly is never easy.  So we say, "Tchau" and "Boa Sorte" (good luck) to Elder Smidt as he leaves the only life he's ever known and dedicates himself completely to serving the Lord for two years.  Brazil is sure lucky to have him.  He will be amazing.  I am sure he will love the Brazilian people as much as they love him!

This picture speaks 1,000 words.
A mother saying 'good-bye' to her only son and sending him to a foreign country.  This, right here, is why if you EVER run in to a missionary, give him 5 minutes of your time.  That's all. And be kind.  They are sacrificing a lot to serve.  There is great honor in that.

KJ and Jess saying their good-byes.  A lot will have changed in these little one's lives when Jess comes home, but we will pray for him every day and will be waiting for those letters and pictures to come in the mail!  What a good example he is setting to those he leaves behind.

 His passport and name tag.  It's official!!!

 Most of us had to say our last good-bye's over skype!  We LOVE YOU ELDER SMIDT!!!

 Blurry, but good shot of his last wave to Mom and Dad as he boards his plane. 


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