Wednesday, May 30, 2012


    I gotta say, I'm a little surprised right now. This is the first time in 6 months that I haven't received an email from you guys (and I’m a little bummed). But this week I received an awesome card from Britt! I can’t believe it; another baby is on its way! Our family will be twice as big by the time I get home! By the way Britt, transfers are every six weeks, always on a Wednesday. And usually every area has a ward, only a few have branches. And there are no beaches in my area.

    Two days ago we had a Zone Conference and it was awesome! We got to see a video of our new president and his wife. He seems really nice but he said he wouldn't be changing any rules. I also got to see some good friends there. Remember when I talked about the Brazilians in the MTC that taught me different ways to say "gay" in Portuguese? Well I saw a lot of them again at this Zone Conference; it feels like it’s only been a few weeks since I've seen them, not 4 months. It’s crazy! It was also cool to be able to talk to them for the first time in Portuguese. I felt like I was meeting them for the first time. I also realized this conference how grateful I should be about how much of the language I know. I saw an Elder there that had 1 year and 2 months out, and I was able to talk better than him. I don't say that to sound prideful, it just helped me realize that I am doing fine and I need not worry. This past week I also did a two day fast. We aren't allowed to fast for more than 24 hours at a time, so I started fasting after lunch at a members home one day, until the next lunch and then started again until the next lunch. It was extremely hard, especially with all the walking and running that we do in the sun, but I felt so many blessings during that time as well.

     Also this week I saw something that I've only seen in movies before. Me and my companion were walking on a skinny street in a Favela, and we saw a police car starting to turn a corner at the same time a motorcyclist was turning the same corner from the opposite side. But once they were both in view of each other, all of a sudden the police car hit the gas trying to pin the motorcyclist against the cement wall. The motorcyclist yanked the throttle barely escaping the police car, and started to speed away. As the Police car peeled backwards with screeching wheels, the other police man in the passenger side of the car jumped out of the car and tried to chase the motorcyclist on foot, stopped after about ten feet, pulled out his pistol and right when he was aiming at the motorcyclist, the motorcyclist turned a corner, escaping death. But the police car hauled off after him with its sirens blasting. My companion said if the police man had a second more, he would have shot. Which is weird because there were people around and I thought police didn't shoot in public, but obviously things are different here.

    That's all I have for now, I will add pictures in my next email. I forgot my flash drive. I hope all goes well for Elder Smidt IX as he makes his good-byes.

Love you! God Speed
Elder Smidt X

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

People CAN change...


Dear family,

Thank you for all the letters. I just received a bunch of letters from mission ties, some dating back to the 29 of April. I don't know why it takes so long sometimes for mission ties when other times I receive mail fairly fast. Thank you for my Line of Authority and the patriarchal blessing. Also the sweet picture of batman. Thank you Heidi, Nana and Pops, Coley, and Britt for the Birthday cards and the pictures. I can NOT believe how long Russell's hair is. In the picture where he is sitting with pops, his sideburns make him look like Joe Dirt. Thank you Jason for the comic. It was really good; a laugher for sure. Also, yes, Brazil is cool. I can’t believe I forgot this in my last email, but happy birthday to Lucy! Thank you Tiffany for your letter. I sent a letter to your family a few days ago, not thinking about you guys moving. I hope you get it before you officially move. Also, I cannot WAIT to see the Avengers. I was so excited when I first found out about it but also sad knowing that it would come out during my mission... Batman too. Shucks. Thank you for the emails too. I will include some pictures of our house, the yard, and our bathroom and study area for you. Maybe later I will try to find a cool plant to take a picture of. Our neighbor’s yard is filled with banana trees and right now there are a good couple of bunches of delicious looking bananas hanging over onto our side of the property. I want so bad to take them. By the way, I'm still waiting on those tapes, and did you ever send back my tape with President Holland’s address? I would really like that as well as the Conference talks.

Anyways, the Investigator I talked about earlier was baptized this past Sunday. His name is Ataidi (Ah-tah-Ee-gee) and he is an older man and had a little bit of fear of the water. I had to do a "Double Dunk" because the first time he kicked his legs up. But he is so animated and excited about the work; so willing to grow. One of the coolest things to view during the mission is seeing people’s lives change, and it’s always for the better and it’s always purely through faith and hope for what’s to come. After his baptism, his daughter who is in her thirties and lives with him, was robbed coming back from the Grocery store. She asked Ataidi for more money to buy more groceries, but firmly he said that he would not allow his money to be spent on the Sabbath day. He would not allow his daughter to make someone else work on the Lords day. Hearing that made me so happy, because just a week earlier he was buying his groceries on Sunday.

I also had an interview with the President today and I spent about 4 and a half hours of my p-day today on a bus. Looks like I won’t be able to get in my weekly nap today. During the interview I was filled with the Spirit. I left with a song in my heart. He was much happier this time, maybe since he only has a little over a month left he is trying to be nicer. But it was a great experience and now I will be sad to see him leave.

During the Bus ride home, I realized something. When I feel the spirit, I can speak the language without error. But in other situations, I will often struggle to speak my mind or understand others. Don't get me wrong, I have grown so much and can speak the language, but I just don't feel fluent. During the bus ride, I became a little frustrated wondering why I wasn't fluent yet like many other missionaries are at my stage. "Why can’t I speak the way I do during lessons all the time? Why is my ability to speak not like what I would like it to be?" Then I came to the conclusion that I should be grateful for what I know, but more importantly, I should be grateful for that help that I receive from the spirit when it is really needed. I now know that if it were not for the spirit, I would struggle during the lessons too. How grateful I am now for that help that I have received. Also, I feel that the Lord has his own time for everything. One of the hardest things to learn in life can be one of the greatest blessings in our lives; Patience.

I am so grateful for this mission and everything it teaches me every day, and I am also grateful for the Infinite Love of the Lord.

I love you all and my wishes go out to Elder Smidt IX. God Speed!

Elder Smidt X

Wednesday, May 16, 2012



       First of all, I just want to say "thank you" for making me look like a baby in front of my companion this Mother’s Day. I wasn’t expecting to cry at all… I was expecting a happy conversation filled with laughter, but when I first heard everyone’s voice, something weird happened. My eyes just started leaking. Sorry if it was awkward at first, especially for Coley and Jason. I was just trying to control my emotions.

       I forgot to thank you all over the phone for the birthday wishes and gifts. Sorry! It took hours to stop thinking about that call and refocus, but late that night, while at an investigators house, I accidentally knocked over a glass of chocolate milk and the liquid just happened to fall right where my rear end was placed. Let’s just say my underwear looked like I had an accident; a really big one. This helped me forget the call a little better, but I am so grateful for that call. It was SO awesome to hear everyone’s voices. It was also awesome to talk in English. Man, I love that language.
       Thank you for all the birthday wishes. Thank you both Nana's and Pop's for the Birthday money this week. I had a great birthday. I got one new investigator and I got a new tie from a recent convert. I also got to listen to my birthday tape which may have been the best part of the day. I received a call from the President and his family and they all wished me a happy birthday and sang to me the "happy birthday" song in Portuguese. Then immediately afterwards the president shouted, "Ok Elder Smidt, who are you baptizing this Sunday!"... oops... Then later that night, Ademir, the member that lives on the same lot as us, made us ham sandwiches. I have a picture of him with me in my new "GALO" jersey I bought using my birthday money. (Attached to this email). Also I decided to include a picture of the face I give to people that decide to reject our message.

      By the way, that A.1. Jerky was soooo good, honestly probably the best beef jerky I’ve ever had, no joke. Thank you for sending that book to me. Next time you send a package, I have one more thing that I would like to have. More Cold-Fever multi-symptom medicine. I gave the rest to my companion who has been suffering this week with a cold and fever. I will try to add more pictures in the future, but honestly, I don’t get that many opportunities to take pictures. We can’t take pictures while proselyting, and nobody wants to see a picture of someone being taught a lesson, which is what we do all day and all week. Sorry :(

       Thank you again for the call and the good advice. I love my family so much! I am so glad for the awesome relationship that I have with each and every one of you. DONT CHANGE! Or if you do, only change for the better!

Elder Smidt X

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Can't wait!


Hello Family!

That’s extremely strange that I received a letter in Portuguese from Brittany if she said she didn’t send me one in Portuguese. That most likely means that mission-ties translated it into Portuguese. That’s very strange. Brittany did send me a letter about a new dog named Ruby, right? Weird, but now that I know it’s an error, please don’t write me in Portuguese! I have to deal with enough of it every day of the week. I look forward to English letters.

By the way, I forgot to say thank you for the movie in my chest. I can’t wait to see it in 19 months. Also thank you so much Coley, Jason, and Heidi, Bret for the birthday money. I’ll be sure to buy something ‘real nice like’. I also received my birthday package! Extremely fast! I laughed at the stickers of the Virgin Mary. I saw a package for Elder Pray in the mission office with a giant sticker of Jesus and "Sempre com Deus" written several times on the package, which means "always with God". Obviously his family is following the same method. I’m sorry but I forgot at the time to wait until my birthday to open it. I also wish I could say that I enjoyed the package, but after I opened it, I blacked out and the next thing I remember was waking up in the Jungle surrounded by wrappers, my hand stuck in a peanut butter jar, and only traces of milk duds and beef jerky lining my lips. Thank you so much! But I have a bit of bad news because it will require another package... My president has very strongly encouraged every missionary to get the book "The miracle of forgiveness". I know I won’t be able to find it in Brazil but if you don’t want to send me that book, I totally understand. But if you do decide to send it to me, I lost my triple anti-biotic ointment. Also, when I wrote about sending my green tie, I meant my other green tie - the solid green tie, with very small checkered stitching. Sorry for not being more clear, I thought you would know which tie I was talking about when I said the one from "Homecoming". Also, one more thing. I would love a small Oregon Sticker that I can place behind my name tag.

I’m also still waiting for Teriks address and Jocelynns! They are going to think that I’m ignoring them, please get those to me soon!

Anyways, I've grown so much this week, but it didn’t come without difficulty. This week I was hit with a giant wave of home sickness, out of nowhere, and it hit hard. Maybe it was caused by my upcoming birthday (first one away from home) or maybe because I know that summer is coming up in the States and that’s my favorite time to be with the family. The lake, parks, running, playing with the dogs outside, playing ultimate Frisbee in our back yard, and other fun things. I had a rough time concentrating. But then the thought came to me that the best way to lose that longing for my family in the states, is to love the family I have here. This week I have been trying to love everyone here with all my capacity... It has made a huge difference! I'm back to being happy. And I’m back to loving the work. I love hearing every Brazilian call me "Elder Smich" or "Smichy".  I would be lying if I tried to convince everyone that I’m the perfect missionary who never thinks about home, only about the work; but I can say that I’m trying. And trying is helping a lot!

I love you all and hope that you all have a wonderful mother’s day. I can’t wait to talk to you guys!!!!!!!! Also, my birthday will land on the same day as my 5th month in the mission! I can’t believe it! Time is flying by! Love you guys so much and this mission and this gospel!
Elder Smidt X

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Thank you for all the news and Help!


Dear Family,

     First of all, yes dad, I did get your email. Sorry I forgot to mention it in my last email, but it was awesome. Thank you for the medical advice mom, my feet have gotten better and the spots are going away. I don’t have foot powder and I don’t know where to buy any, not sure if there is foot powder here. I am already trying to dry out my feet as much as possible. Thank you again to everyone that gave me advice!

    Thank you for the letter Birt. I never expected a letter from you in Portuguese! I’m pretty jealous to hear you have a dog! I have been missing having a dog sooooo bad! And I always love hearing about Lucy, I can’t believe she is almost one year old! Crazy. I’m happy for you. Thank you also Coley for the letter, I can’t wait to listen to awesome songs with you again. Keep strong! I love you! Heather, it was good to hear from you! I hope the family is well. I can’t believe how old everyone is now in your family. Time sure does fly by. And thank you mom, I know that the news that you tell me seems old, but for me it’s all very new. I had no idea that there was even a new Mission Impossible movie! Eu Quero!
    Well, today was transfers! I had no idea until just this past Monday. Transfers should have been in two weeks, but they moved it forward two weeks so that the next transfer would land right on the same day the Mission President is being transferred. My new companion is Elder Severo, he seems really cool, but I don’t really know him yet. We’ve only spent a couple hours together. I will really miss Elder Pezzi. He is someone that I can really call my friend. Sometimes it wasn’t good though because we couldn’t stop laughing, seriously. At one door that we knocked, when the lady answered, I introduced us, then I heard elder Pezzi laugh, then I started laughing, and we just had to ask if we could visit her another day, and left. It was just one of those times where you can’t stop laughing. Really bad I know, but something that I will never forget. Anyways, I’m still in Justinopolis, the same ward for three transfers. That’s ok though because I really like my ward here.
    So remember how I used to love power rangers? Well I figured out a way I can realize my dream and actually be a power ranger! That’s right Nana Smidt; I’ll be needing some more power ranger haircuts! Here, the police men that have motorcycles, have gear that makes them look like a power ranger, all the way from the helmets to the boots. After my mission, I will just enlist in this battalion, and I will have a Mega Zord in no time.

     Mom and Dad, could you do me a favor? Could you figure out my line of Priesthood Authority? I would really like to know which path it’s taken to get to me.

I love the mission. It takes time, faith, hope and a lot of prayers, but the reward is so awesome, because you find a testimony you never knew you had, and it is that testimony that gives me strength.

     Love you all!!
Elder Smidt X