Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Hello Family!

      It’s so crazy to think that Elder Smidt IX will be John again tomorrow. But I just hope that as he moves on in life to make big bucks and win all the hearts of those many fillies in CDA, that he won’t forget to keep writing me. I have I feeling that throughout my mission I will continue to have many questions for him. Besides, his letters never fail to make me laugh. This month I would like to pay homage to Bryan. This month on my calendar is filled with pictures of the man that changed my life by showing me the many miracles of Horkley's, lacrosse, green bandannas, and Crazy pizzas from little Ceasar's. Thank you Bryan, you are an example to those that have no life. Also, happy birthday to Pops Ralph! I'm sorry I forgot! I hope your day was filled much happiness!

      We had a stake conference this last week, but it was a different kind of stake conference that I have ever seen before. Every stake in Brazil received a transmission straight from the Church Headquarters and was specifically just for Brazil. This broadcast included the talks of President Monson, Elder Anderson (who spoke in Portuguese), an Elder from the 70 (also spoke in Portuguese), and the General Relief Society President. It was really neat and a huge boost for the members. Also, this Sunday there will be a temple dedication in Manãos, which is about 4 hours away from here, but that is a huge blessing for the people in Belo Horizonte! Many members will now have the opportunity to visit a temple for the first time in their lives!

      I'm happy to hear that Dan and Tiffy are doing well and that the family finally arrived in Boise. Que Bênção!! This past week I saw my first Monkey!!! It was pretty small (about the size of my forearm) but it was really close, maybe only ten feet away before it jumped away to a different tree. I wasn't able to get a picture of it. Shucks. Also I forgot to say thank you to Coley for the Birthday card and the stickers. I now walk with the ducks touching my heart, as I put a sticker on the back of my name plate. I'm also very excited about that pizza promise you made for me, but you might regret it! Last night I had a dream that I was surrounded by an endless amount of American Pizza and as I was reaching for yet another piece, I woke up and my hand was lifted in the air above me. Then I wept realizing it was just a dream. You might regret making that promise, because I will be craving pizza a lot when I get back. But I try not to think about things like that. They say that an excellent missionary doesn’t count how much time he has left in the mission. It’s a good thing I'm not counting that I have  18 months, 8 days, 11 hours, 46 minutes, and 44, 43, 42, 41 seconds left in my mission.

       Well, this might be my last week here in Justinopolis. Next P-Day will be transfers. The President always calls the Monday before transfers and tells you where you are going. I love it here and the members of this ward. I've spent 4 months with the people of this ward. I have grown close to many of them! But at the same time, I feel like I need to change playing grounds; it might not make sense, but I feel stale here. I need to start new. I really hope I get transferred.

       I don't really have anything exciting to share. I have included a picture of My kingdom (or a very small part of it), Eating an Avocado with sugar (that's the only way Brazilians eat Avocados) and a picture from the Zone Conference. I hope all is well with the family! Have fun in Spain mom and dad!!

Love you all! God Speed!
Elder Smidt X

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